Workforce and Employment


To monitor and analyze all legislation and regulations that impact Oklahoma’s workforce and ensure businesses have an efficient and effective system to develop their workforce.

2024 Policy Positions

  1. Support more Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funding towards in-demand jobs. 
  2. Support improving K-12 Graduation Requirements to include Career Ready and concurrent academic credit options. 
  3. Support efforts to increase the available workforce by allowing Individual Tax Identification Number as an eligible means to apply for a driver’s license.  
  4. Support innovative non-mandated childcare solutions for Oklahoma workforce.  
  5. Support funding for summer STEM programs and access for at-risk students. 
  6. Support broad education reform efforts to improve education such as STEM, literacy, and math literacy. 
  7. Support strategies that address education, job training, placement and stability for justice involved individuals and incentivize second chance employers. 
  8. Support efforts to increase labor force participation. 
  9. Promote parent and student Right-to-Know policies and public information for post-secondary education and career opportunities. Support policy and public information on return on investment information in post-secondary opportunities.  
  10. Support policies that promote collaboration between educational institutions and businesses in order to meet the workforce needs. 
  11. Support better employment and training opportunities for
    population receiving government benefit programs and encouraging labor participation. 
  12. Support apprenticeship and internship programs to increase the workforce in Oklahoma. 

2024 HR and Labor Policy Positions

  1. The Chamber opposes state legislative efforts to undermine the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) due to the negative impact on member businesses. 
  2. Oppose efforts to interfere with employer’s ability to negotiate benefits plans for employees. 
  3. Oppose benefit mandates that raise the cost of health insurance for employers and employees in OK (including white bagging). 
  4. Oppose new state and federal mandated private health insurance benefits that would raise costs to businesses attempting to provide quality health insurance benefits until such a time as an independent cost/benefit analysis accompanies and justifies any proposed health insurance benefit mandate. 
  5. Oppose efforts that would interfere with an employer’s and employee’s freedom to contract. 
  6. Oppose actions to limit employers’ ability to set their own workplace vaccination policy. 
  7. Oppose expansion of state and federal mandates on employers, including but not limited to paid family and medical leave benefits and/or programs. 
  8. Support business protections and property owners’ rights regarding possession of weapons. 
  9. Support prompt determination for occupational licenses and permitting from the corresponding body and/or reduced fees based on the period of non-determination. 
  10. Protect and defend Oklahoma’s Administrative Workers’ Compensation System. 
  11. Support reforms to Oklahoma’s unemployment benefits system, including work search, job matching, program integrity. 
  12. Preserve the business community’s interest in workplace safety as it relates to use of marijuana. 

Staff Contact:
Adam Maxey
Vice President
Government Affairs

Committee Chair:
Chase Beasley
Workforce and Strategy Development
American Airlines

Joining a Committee

State Chamber members are invited to join one or more of our committees and be a part of helping shape our policy agenda. Using the link below, you can fill out a committee application form.

Got a question? No problem.

About the State Chamber

What is the State Chamber?

Established in 1926, The State Chamber is a statewide membership organization. Our purpose is to be the unified voice of business and the most effective advocacy organization at the State Capitol. Every day, The State Chamber fights for Oklahoma’s future by defending the right of every business to thrive.

What is the State Chamber Research Foundation?

For information about State Chamber Research Foundation, click here.

General Contact Information


P O Box 53217 | Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3217


330 NE 10th Street  |  Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Note: We cannot receive mail at our physical address, so please send all correspondence to the PO Box shown above


(405) 235-3669 Phone  |  (405) 235-3670 Fax

Why become a member?

The State Chamber of Oklahoma is a powerful force in advancing policies that benefit Oklahoma and its business community. When you join the State Chamber, you gain a strong partner and advocate at the State Capitol.

Membership offers opportunities for networking with businesses and policymakers influencing issues affecting your company. In addition, the State Chamber is the only entity that advocates for companies across the entire state.