Energy and Natural Resources


Review and analyze all legislation and proposed rules and regulations that impact Oklahoma’s energy and natural resource sector.

2025 Policy Positions

  1. Oppose any efforts to introduce exemptions to the Underground Damage
    Prevention Act, as they create unnecessary risks to public safety by allowing
    excavation without marking of underground facilities.
  2. Support the development of a hydrogen economy in Oklahoma.
  3. Support policies to streamline the permitting process at the Oklahoma
    Corporation Commission.
  4. Monitor any PFAS legislation/regulations and ensure that the best available
    science is used in any public policy debate.
  5. Support state primacy over energy and environmental regulations and energy
    and natural resource industry operations.
  6. Support the retention and protection of the rights and private property aspects of
    Oklahoma’s surface and groundwater laws.
  7. Support the rights of industry, public and private land, and mineral owners to be
    free from burdensome regulations due to migratory birds, candidate, threatened,
    and endangered species.
  8. Support voluntary carbon capture and sequestration strategies in the energy
  9. Oppose proposals to destabilize the current electrical structure in Oklahoma for
    any customers.
  10. Support protection and buildout of critical energy infrastructure in Oklahoma,
    including upgrades to existing transmission infrastructure.
  11. Oppose policies that threaten consumer’s right to choose their fuel source based
    on free market principles.
  12. Support innovation in the electric grid to support economic development.

Staff & Committee Contacts

Staff Contact:
Dalton Miller
Government Affairs

Committee Chair:
Craig Perry
Government Affairs Manager

Joining a Committee

State Chamber members are invited to join one or more of our committees and be a part of helping shape our policy agenda. Using the link below, you can fill out a committee application form.

Got a question? No problem.

About the State Chamber

What is the State Chamber?

Established in 1926, The State Chamber is a statewide membership organization. Our purpose is to be the unified voice of business and the most effective advocacy organization at the State Capitol. Every day, The State Chamber fights for Oklahoma’s future by defending the right of every business to thrive.

What is the State Chamber Research Foundation?

For information about State Chamber Research Foundation, click here.

General Contact Information


P O Box 53217 | Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3217


330 NE 10th Street  |  Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Note: We cannot receive mail at our physical address, so please send all correspondence to the PO Box shown above


(405) 235-3669 Phone  |  (405) 235-3670 Fax

Why become a member?

The State Chamber of Oklahoma is a powerful force in advancing policies that benefit Oklahoma and its business community. When you join the State Chamber, you gain a strong partner and advocate at the State Capitol.

Membership offers opportunities for networking with businesses and policymakers influencing issues affecting your company. In addition, the State Chamber is the only entity that advocates for companies across the entire state.